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Toyota Electronic Parts Catalog (EPC) is the software application that provides Toyota and Lexus dealers with access to all of their product parts. It saves dealers time and money, and also increases operational efficiency by providing a highly organized structure of Toyota and Lexus parts found often at Toyota and Lexus dealerships. However, the EPC content is highly confidential. With its programmatic limitations in mind, it can be difficult to obtain accurate forecasts about what products are being ordered for retail stores in the United States so that dealer inventory can be accurately managed for service loans, warranty claims, or trade-in services. Toyota parts are delivered to Toyota dealerships with EPC on CD or USB drive. Dealers use the EPC on CD or USB drive to set up the EPC software on their local Windows PCs. The EPC installation program will install all the tools and programs needed to access the electronic catalog, including Microsoft Office Outlook, Microsoft FoxPro, and Crystal Reports. Users of Toyota Electronic Parts Catalog must be certified to do business in order for them to log into Toyota's Online Parts catalog. The Lexus Online Parts Catalog is not accessible by non-certified users except at Lexus Dealership service departments by a Lexus Certified Technician. If the user is not certified to use EPC, then they will get certain specific results that include "Your system is not configured correctly", which will lead to an error code on their computer. This error code may also lead to delays in displaying parts. On June 30, 2005 Lexus issued an update to Toyota Electronic Parts Catalog (EPC) software, changing the interface of the program. The change included replacing the EPC application with a new version of Toyota's web site. This update included many changes including re-arranging all informational pages for Lexus and Toyota models, removing some RPO codes that were no longer available due to inventory levels or product life cycles. The change to the existing application resulted in lost functionality because the existing application used Lexus model specific information that was no longer available after the update. Starting with the 2013 EPC release, Lexus stopped using Toyota's EPC interface for their own website. Lexus users now have access to EPC functionality through Lexus' web site, offering dealer support for orders and setup, showing online parts pricing and availability, etc. http://www.elxdecal. com/eppc/ cfa1e77820